Women form half of the population of the world and share one per cent of the resources. In India women are born to suffer till their death. The sufferings of women are doubled if they happen to be widows in the Indian soil. A woman is surrounded by the culture that seldom she can come out from this. Though social change is very fast due to the growing globalization few areas remain unchanged and one of the areas where the change is very slow is the marriage and related customs.Read More
We provide robust health and nutrition benefits to the WIDOW WOMEN.
Save the WIDOW WOMEN helps WIDOW WOMEN with the donation money and provides them access to quality education
All WIDOW WOMEN have the right to a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Donate Money & Support Charity to Keep WIDOW WOMEN safe
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जरूरत मंद विधवाओं को आजीवन पेंशन लाभ। हमारे देश में जितनी भी विधवा माताएं और बहनें है,उन माताओं और बहनों का कोई सिक्योरिटी नहीं होता,इसलिए महिला शक्ति ने उनकी सिक्युरिटी इस साल (2020)में ली है। उन माताओं और बहनों को महिला शक्ति छच चीजें उपलब्ध करा रही है।